It was recently Spring Break for our local school district, and we thought it would be a great time to hang out with the School Agers and get a glimpse of how they spend their days at All Stars Montessori on school breaks.
The School Agers love having the freedom to create in whatever way their minds can think of so there is a variety of art supplies and collage materials available to them. Whether it was paint or glue or homemade play-doh in their hands, they were encouraging each other and cheering on one another’s artistic talents. There were some pretty amazing portraits and canvas paintings on display from these budding artists! And their creativity didn’t end in the art area! They were also very creative with Legos, blocks, and other building materials.
It was fascinating to be able to observe them engaging in imaginative play together. The familiar phrase “how ‘bout” echoed throughout the room as they took turns coming up with the next great idea. In the creative play corner, they were acting out their own little version of family life. Someone even discovered a secret portal behind the kitchen cabinet. In another corner there was a dance/gymnastics competition. And spread out throughout the room were busy hands and their Lego creations living in their Lego world.
Since this is Minnesota, the weather during “Spring Break” is typically more winter-like, but that didn’t stop them from heading outside to burn off some energy. Once everyone was bundled up, they were ready to make some snow men and have a friendly snowball fight. Even indoors they were able to get their bodies moving when they had their very own version of “March Madness” with mini basketball hoops.
During these extended breaks there is at least one off-site field trip and this week they got to go and see the movie How To Train Your Dragon 3 on the big screen together!
Amazing friendships have formed among these school agers during the years they’ve spent at All Stars Montessori. Many of them also spend the days together at school and evenings and weekends together in extra-curricular activities. The bonds they are forming will last a long time!
**Spring Break is a small glimpse into the fun that the School Agers have all summer long at All Stars Montessori! – There are educational themes of study involving science, cooking, art and more! There are two field trips every week visiting places like Grand Slam, The Walker Art Center, Sea Quest Interactive Aquarium, Apple Valley Aquatic Center, a local farmers market and much, much more! Your School Ager will not get bored if they spend the summer at All Stars!
Flexible schedule options are available. Call now for availability and be sure to ask about this summer’s tuition savings special before it’s too late!**