Ms. Alicia P. has been at All Stars since 2012 and for most of that time she has been one of the infant or toddler teachers. But she has also had the opportunity to move around and help out in the other age groups, so chances are pretty good that if your child has attended All Stars, Ms. Alicia has been their teacher at some point!
Ms. Alicia lives with her two cats, Walter and Nox. But, shhh! Don’t tell her we called them her cats because they’re really more like her kids! She hopes to be able to get a bigger place some day so she can get more kitties and even a dog! (She is the first to admit that she is a “crazy cat lady”!)
When the weekend comes, Ms. Alicia likes to hang out with her two besties! They love to cook and take silly selfies together!
Ms. Alicia’s dream vacation would be a trip to Ireland because she is, after all, Irish. (That’s where the red hair comes from!)
When we asked Ms. Alicia who she admired, she proudly answered that it was her mom. She’s the strongest person she knows and has made Ms. Alicia the woman she is today. Not to mention, she taught her how to cook!
Ms. Alicia loves to cook and she’s pretty good at it, too! She is also good at making realistic animal sounds and that is a skill that comes in handy when you work with infants and toddlers!
Ms. Alicia is funny, honest, loyal, loving and thoughtful! She always has a smile on her face and she can bring a smile to someone else’s face with her fun sense of humor.
Ms. Alicia loves working with the babies and watching them grow and learn. And of course all the snuggles she gets, too.
If your child attends All Stars Montessori and you have not yet met Ms. Alicia P., be sure to poke your head into the baby room when you’re walking by and say “hello”.